Garden Club Application

Welcome to your application for the Meadow Glen Elementary School Garden Club.

Our garden club will meet on Tuesdays after school from dismissal to 4:00 starting in August. We will plant vegetables and flowers, weed and water our gardens, and learn about the plants and animals found in and around our gardens. Garden club members will also be expected to write at least one blog post per month. Posts can be about their experiences in our school garden, work or learning they have done in a family member’s garden, a visit to a farmer’s market or community garden, outdoor experiences in nature with family and friends, or a topic related to gardening or agriculture they have researched online.

To join the garden club, students must complete this online application. The “application” is really the list of questions found below that must be answered by reading and commenting on posts in this blog.

Only students who finish all of the questions below will be allowed to join the garden club. Students will be added to the club in the order that they finish the questions. Remember that many of the answers to the questions are in the blog posts, so make sure you read them!

The first 15 students who complete all of the questions and make all of the required blog comments will be invited to join the club. If we receive more than 15 applications, students will be added as others leave.

Please answer the following questions in a comment to this blog post.

Find the answers to questions 1, 2, and 3 in this post and the “Welcome to Gardening at the Glen” post. (To find “Welcome to Gardening at the Glen” please search for it using the WIDGETS button.)

  1. How many blog posts do garden club members have to write every month?
  2. Who can comment on our garden blog posts? Name at least two people mentioned in “Welcome to Gardening at the Glen”.
  3. Who can be a guest blogger? Name at least two people mentioned in “Welcome to Gardening at the Glen”.

Find the answers to questions 4 and 5 in the “Meet Señor Frank” post. (To find “Meet Señor Frank” please search for it using the WIDGETS button.)

4. Where is Señor Frank from?

5. Where was the garden seen in the pictures in this post?

Find the answer to question 6 in the post “Sal’s Ol’ Timey Feed and Seed”.

6. Who do we have to send a thank you letter to and why?

Find the answer to question 7 in the posts about Hurricane Ian.

7. What was the ONE THING that happened as a result of Hurricane Ian in the garden?

8. Read the “Fly Fishing the North Mills River” post. Write a comment at the end of the post telling me about a trip you took to be out in nature with your friends or family or tell me about your favorite outdoor activities.

9. Name 3 kinds of plants growing in the garden right now.

IMPORTANT: When you write your comments, first write your name using only your first name and last initial before you write the answers.

For example, if your name is Jose Garcia, you would write JoseG. If your name was Candice Williams, you would write CandiceW.

Be sure to put the number of the question you are answering before the answer and write your answers in full sentences!

For Example: MichaelF 1. Garden club members have to write one blog post per month. 2. …

I hope this makes sense and you can get this done quickly so we can get started working in our garden to grow fresh, healthy food soon! Good luck!

Señor Frank

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